
Videos: BLM Group Assaulted Man In His Own Neighborhood – The Police Come And Detain The Man Who Was Just Trying To Get Home
A large Stillwater protest advocating for murder charges against former Brooklyn Center police officer Kim Potter, visited the home of the judge of the case yesterday. Protesters headed…

Videos: MSM Edits Police Bodycam Footage And Removes The Part Where 13-yr-old Adam Toledo Is Seen Holding Firearm
Dan Herbert, a Chicago attorney who has represented a number of police officers involved in deadly use of force incidents, says the officer who shot and killed 13-year-old…

The Trumps Arrive At The RNC Donors Gathering Held At Mar-a-Lago Club – The 6’8″ Barron Towers Over His Parents (Videos)
Donors to the Republican National Committee gathered this weekend for the first time since Donald Trump’s defeat just down the road from his Mar-a-Lago home — a sign…

Images: Marxist BLM Co-Founder Buys 1.4M Mansion In Predominantly White Neighborhood
The Black Lives Matter movement is not only anti-police, anti-white, anti-capitalist but also proudly neo-Marxist. Patrisse Cullors is an American artist and activist. Cullors is an advocate for prison abolition in Los Angeles and a co-founder of the…

The Prosecution Did Not Even Address The Video Clip From Chauvins’s Lawyer Where Floyd Said “I Ate Too Many Drugs” (Video)
The trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis officer charged in George Floyd’s death, is continuing Wednesday after the prosecution this week has called a parade of Minneapolis police officials to the stand who have condemned Chauvin’s use…

Video: The Male Steward Who Forced A Family Out Of The Plane Because Of Unmasked Toddler Received Instant Karma
Spirit Airlines has deplaned an entire flight from Orlando, Florida to New York on Monday. According to reports, the reason was that a 2-year-old girl was not wearing a face mask. The child was part of an Orthodox…

Video: Elderly Asian Couple Attacked By A Black Gang, Their Machete-Wielding Son Comes To The Rescue – The MSM Fails To Disclose That The Attackers Are Black
A frightening scene caught on camera as an elderly Asian couple is attacked and robbed returning home from grocery shopping. Then a hero emerges, their own son – wielding a machete. Surveillance video showed four black people approach…

Black Lives Matter Activists Harass, Intimidate Asian Nail Salon – No MSM Coverage (Video)
The footage shows a gang wearing Original Black Panthers of Milwaukee jackets hollering at patrons of Jade’s Nails about “disrespecting the black community.” “Look at him runnin’,” one BLM militant says to the Asian owner. “Why you runnin’?…

Chauvin Trial: Star Prosecution Witness In Floyd Case Apparently Wore Black Lives Matter T-Shirt On Stand (Photos)
Donald Williams, 33, the MMA practitioner who was present at the fatal arrest and called as an expert witness, faced questions over his training and conduct on the day, which was captured on a widely-seen video. Williams’s testimony…

Photos: 15-year-old Barron Trump Towers Over His 6’3″ Dad – Internet Jokes ‘Kid Is 7’8” And About To Be Drafted By The Jazz
Barron Trump turns 15 today. Son of President Donald Trump and Melania Trump, the teenager has spent the past few years growing up in front of the nation’s eyes — literally. He now towers over his 6-foot-3 father…

Announcer Forgets To Cut Mic – Calls High School Basketball Girls F****** N*ggers For Kneeling During The Anthem (Video)
Trigger warning: the contents of this article contain graphic details and audio of a racial slur which our site does not support. The announcer, who is contracted with the National Federation of High School (NFHS) Network, grew furious…

Brace Yourself America – High School Forces Kids In Band To Play In Green Igloo Bubbles (Photos)
Children and young people are far less likely than adults to get severe cases of COVID-19 infection, and death from the pandemic disease among children is exceptionally rare, according to UK research published last summer. A study of…

Texas Warning: Videos From Concerned Citizens Show Parasites In The Water As Many Texans Ignore The Warnings
After enduring multiple days of freezing temperatures and Texans dripping faucets to prevent frozen pipes from bursting, cities across the state warned residents that water levels are dangerously low and may be unsafe to drink. They’re telling Texans…

Breaking: Rioters Throw What Appears to Be a Bomb at Federal Courthouse in Portland
A Twitter user reported that Antifa, which has been classified as domestic terrorists by President Trump, threw what appears to be an improvised explosive device (IED) at the federal courthouse in Portland on Monday evening. Over the weekend…

Breaking: Seattle Mob Fire Mortars and Hurl Explosives at Police Officers—At Least 3 Officers Injured
Opinion According to the Seattle Police Department, angry mobs of rioters launched an all-out assault against police officers and the city of Seattle on Saturday. The protesters are firing mortars and hurling explosives at police. Not to anyone’s…

Breaking: Major Riot in Seattle—Mob Sets Fire to Starbucks With Residents Living Above It
Opinion A major riot has started in Seattle with arsonists looting and burning a Starbucks that has residential apartments above it, according to the District Herald. The mob then realized that people are living upstairs and they started…

Video: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Joins Antifa-BLM Street Protests—Gets Cursed, Called a Fascist and Told to Resign
Opinion Not only is Ted Wheeler a failed Mayor, according to most people across the nation, Antifa & BLM are not fond of him either. Wheeler decided to join in with his people on Wednesday night, only to…

Video: Mark McCloskey Tells Hannity He Had Security Assistance from President Trump
Several days after the BLM protesters originally broke into their gated community, armed security guards were seen on the balcony of the McCloskey’s home during a second wave of protests. The first wave of BLM protesters broke into…

Video: Thomas Sowell: Claims of ‘Systemic Racism’ Have ‘No Meaning,’ Resembles Nazi ‘Propaganda Tactics’
On Sunday, economist and author Thomas Sowell appeared on Mark Levin’s show “Life Liberty & Levin,” where he said that claims of “systemic racism” have “no meaning” and that it reminds him of Nazi propaganda tactics. “Systemic racism” “really…

Video: Man Accosted by 2 Karens at Walmart for Not Wearing Face Mask
Opinion A man, minding his own business, was shopping at Walmart when two women accosted him while recording him with their video phones. The first “Karen” approached him with her video phone while berating him for allegedly not…
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