
Five Teams of High Profile Lawyers Now Joining Together to Fight for Justice for Covington Catholic Students, Media In Trouble

Several very high profile lawyers are joining forces to fight for justice for the Covington Catholic High School students were wrongfully accused of racism by the left wing…

The President is Not Safe, Political Operative for Trump Roger Stone Arrested, FBI Corrupted, Has Fascism Come to America?

CNN has filmed the arrest of political operative Roger Stone this morning in Florida. Many have speculated that CNN was tipped off by the FBI which would indication…

Trump Wall

If President Trump Tries To Declare A National Emergency To Build The Wall, The Democrats Plan To Use Lawsuits To Keep It From Ever Being Built

President Trump has repeatedly floated the idea of declaring a national emergency in order to pave the way for the wall to be built, and it is now…

White House Finally Preparing Plan to Have President Trump Declare National Emergency and Democrats Cannot Stop It

President Trump’s White House is finally getting a plan ready to allow Trump rightfully declare a national emergency at the southern border. Sources say more than $7 billion could be allocated to build a barrier at the U.S.…

Trump’s OWNAGE of Putin on Venezuela Proves Russian Collusion is a Hoax!

It is often said by the lying fake news media that US President Donald Trump is in the back pocket of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Although both men are confirmed Chad He-Men pussy grabbers with similar strategic goals…

Trump Will Give State of the Union but When?

by: Daveda Gruber: President Trump has answers for the power hungry House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and he delivered his message the way he likes to – on Twitter Trump says that he will deliver a “great”…

Trump Sends Bombastic Letter to Pelosi – She Answers

by: Daveda Gruber: President Trump has sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and he defines the SOTU in detail. Next week, the State of the Union address will be delivered by the president from the House…

“Give Trump the Money for the Wall”, Says Democrat Congressman to His Radical Left Colleagues

It’s not Trump’s wall, it’s America’s wall. Illegals kill 10,000 Americans every year, half by murder and the rest by DWI. They also bring children across the border and sell them for sex to service the illegals. No…

Where is the Shutdown Going?

by: Daveda Gruber: On Tuesday Republicans were urged not to “cave” on border security. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is ready to begin the process for a vote on legislation to fund a border wall and the…

William Barr

Trump’s New Attorney General to Strike Back Against Big Brother?

Trump supporters weren’t too enthused with Trump’s selection of William Barr as Attorney General initially. Barr served as AG under George H.W. Bush and takes establishment positions on many key issues. However, there may be a silver lining…

President Trump Says He “Found Obama’s Magic Wand” After Best Job Growth In 21 Years!

President Trump has delivered on his promise to make American manufacturing great again. On the 2016 presidential campaign trail Trump said he would be “the greatest jobs President that God has ever created”. President Trump proved he wasn’t…

Nancy Pelosi Army of Electronic Dogs

Since God Hates Walls, Nancy Pelosi Is Going to Save Us With “Electronic Dogs” (Video) TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: As the federal shutdown continues, Democrats have coalesced around a rationale for their continued opposition to a border wall. It’s not that walls are too expensive. That was a laughable argument coming…

Trump Offers a Major Plan to Open Government

by: Daveda Gruber: On Saturday President Trump, in a televised White House address, spoke to the American people. Trump offered the Democrats a compromise package on immigration. The effort to end the partial government shutdown was not met…

Insane Nancy Pelosi

Pelosi Claims Trump Intentionally Endangered Her Life

If you think Nancy Pelosi isn’t nutty enough, then you won’t be disappointed at her latest claim that President Trump is intentionally putting her life in danger. On Thursday, Trump sent a letter to Pelosi informing her that…

Mexican Authorities Afraid of Invaders—Fold Like Wet Rags

by: Daveda Gruber: A group of about one thousand migrants from Central America were able to get through the border that separates Guatemala and Mexico. Mexican authorities stood down on Friday and did not confront the group that…

Ron Desantis CPAC 2016

New Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Moves to Legalize Smokable Medical Marijuana

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Thursday that he intends to end the state’s prohibition on smokeable medical marijuana, FOX 35 Orlando reports. “I’m announcing today is the lawsuit that’s challenging the smoking ban, we’re going to be filing a…

Trump Cancels Pelosi’s Flight—Tells Her to Fly Commercial

by: Daveda Gruber: It appears that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is standing firm on her decision stop President Trump from delivering the State of the Union Address (SOTU) until the government is open. Trump fired back minutes later…

As France Crumbles, Macron Forces Children to Kneel Before Him

France is teetering on the brink of revolution with citizens dawning ‘Yellow Vests’ for nationwide riots every weekend. Although French President Emmanuel Macron has capitulated and reversed controversial fuel taxes meant to combat global warming, the anger has…

House Republican E-Mails Get Hacked, Chinese Communists Suspected to Blame!

It was recently reported that the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) was hacked with their emails being accessed and read by an unnamed intrusive force. In a strange set of circumstances, the FBI refused to even tell House…

Mueller Team Gets Slapped with Criminal Complaint

by Daveda Gruber: Karma can really be a BITCH! Jerome Corsi was the onetime Washington bureau chief of the right-wing website Infowars. On Monday the conservative author Corsi filed a “criminal and ethics complaint” against Special Counsel Robert…