
Prominent American Racist David Duke Calls Ilhan Omar ‘Most Important Member of the US Congress
David Ernest Duke is a prominent American racist, white supremacist, white nationalist politician, white separatist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, a convicted felon, and former Grand Wizard of…

UNBELIEVABLE! Now Lying Michael Cohen is Suing President Trump for $1.9 Million in ‘Legal Fees’
Donald Trump’s former lawyer, Lying Michael Cohen filed suit against the Trump Organization in New York on Thursday, claiming he is owed “fees and costs” that exceed $1.9…

CBP Commissioner Keven McAleenan Flattens Senator Blumenthal for False Claim: Border Crossings at ‘Historic Low’ (Video)
Richard Blumenthal falsely claimed that border crossings are at a historic low during a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing about human trafficking on the U.S.-Mexico border. U.S. Customs and…

Lanny Davis Spills the Beans on Michael Cohen and Says He Directed a Lawyer to Ask About Presidential Pardon
Lanny Davis says that Michael Cohen contradicted his sword testimony to congress and directed a lawyer to ask about a presidential pardon. In Cohen’s opening statement Cohen provided to the House Oversight Committee last week, he said, “I…

Does a Presidential Candidate Need Ohio to Win?
by Daveda Gruber: Ohio was always a priority state for any election. It has always been said that if you want to win an election, you must win Ohio. That concept seems to have been dumped. Hillary Clinton…

Democrats Ban Fox News From Hosting Primary Debates In 2020 – Fox News Responds and Slams the DNC
The Democratic National Committee will not allow Fox News to broadcast any of its 2020 presidential primary debates. This sounds like the government antics that 1930’s Germany used, but the real problem is that this is our country…

Watch: Maxine Waters Embraces Head Hate Peddler Louis Farrakhan (Video)
Watch Mad Maxine Waters on video recently embracing the head hate peddler of the Nation of Islam Church, Louis Farrakhan. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who now leads the House Financial Services Committee, hugs racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan…

Flashback: Rep. Ayanna Pressley Introduces Amendment To Lower Voting Age To 16 (Video)
Public schools have brainwashed kids to think like Democrats, that’s why they want them to vote at such a young age, kids are ignorant and until they mature, get a job, buy a house and have kids, only…

Sarah Sanders Rips Into Democrats Over Investigation: It’s An Absolute Embarrassment (Video)
Why can’t the democratic”elected” politicians leave the President alone help make America strong? The reason is simple they will never regain control of the White House and the only way to get there is by distracting our President…

Melania Trump Has a Message for the Media
by Daveda Gruber: Our beautiful and gracious First Lady Melania Trump had a message for the press as she wrapped up her “Be Best” tour. Her message was short and sweet. FLOTUS in her closing remarks told the…

Company Offers Trump To Build 234 Miles of Border Wall for Just $1.4 Billion
President Donald Trump decided to sign the border security deal to avoid another partial government shutdown and with that prevented millions of middle class Americans from starving! He got only 1.4 billion for his border wall funding but…

Traitors Alert! 10 Republican Senators May Oppose Trump’s Border Emergency Declaration
Republicans In Congress Have Never Really Supported Trump’s Border Wall Despite their rhetoric, Republicans in Congress have shown through their own inaction that they don’t really support the President’s border wall. When have they all come out to…

Ilham Omar: Hurtful Words or Anti-Semitic?
by Daveda Gruber: A delay looms over the consideration of a resolution condemning antisemitism over comments made by Rep. Ilhan Omar D-Minn.. Democratic leaders will put forward a vote on the House floor Wednesday to denounce antisemitism. The…

House Dems Introduce Bill To Protect Trump’s Whistleblowers That Have Signed NDA, There Is One Problem This Is Illegal!
House Democrats introduced a bill Monday to ensure White House staffers can come forward and report “wrongdoing” from inside the administration even if they are subject to a nondisclosure agreement (NDA). Basically they will protect the spies of…

AOC’s Campaign Moved $885K Into Slush Funds – Now They Could Face Jail Time For Their Federal Finance Law Violations
ONLY Republicans are ever charged or held accountable for campaign finance violations OR for any type of financial irregularity, whether intentional or not. But when it comes to Democrats it’s totally different story the mainstream media is not…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: U.S. Should Not Have Authorized Use Of Force Against 9/11 Perpetrators
Socialist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is on fire these days. When she opens mouth, she sinks Democrats. Could not ask for a better ambassador for the Democrat Socialists. In her political career, who lasts only a couple of months,…

Trump to Sign Executive Order That Will Force Universities to Allow Free Speech (Video)
Why in the world should universities be able to suppress (conservative) speech and get rewarded for it? It is about time we had a GOP president who has the guts to take the fight to the other side.…

Florida Lawmaker Introduces ‘Stop Social Media Censorship Act’ to Protect Free Speech Online
Florida bill SB 1722 would fine giant social media sites for censoring protected religious and political speech. Florida State Senator Joe Gruters (R) has introduced a bill to protect free speech on social media and fine the biggest…

Day 845 of Hillary’s Never Ending Blame Tour (Video)
On day 845 of Hillary Clinton’s never ending blame tour, she showed up at a church service commemorating the 54th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, the civil rights march that inspired support for the Voting Rights Act of 1965.…

It’s Official: Hillary Clinton Rules Out 2020 Bid for President (Video)
On Monday, Hillary Clinton claimed she was not running for President again when asked by New Jersey reporter Tara Rosenblum. Rosenblum asked, “I know you said that you can’t envision a scenario where you would run for a…