When a culture becomes too liberal, opposing oppressive forces take advantage and there’s a swing to the center or right of that.
Liberalism will always attract those who wish to take advantage of it, then destroy it for their own ends.
Denmark decided to take a stand against the lefties and take a more conservative approach with immigrants from Muslim countries.
The Danish government has agreed this week to refuse to allow children born to Danish Islamic State fighters overseas to claim citizenship and a passport.
The policy comes after the government brokered a deal with the populist Danish People’s Party (DF), ending the previous policy which allowed the children of Islamic State fighters from Denmark the ability to claim citizenship, broadcaster DR reports.
The measure was backed by foreign minister Inger Støjberg, who is well-known for her tough stance against mass migration, who said, “They are born of parents who have turned their backs on Denmark and therefore they should not belong to Denmark.”
Støjberg has become well-known for her tough migration policies which have included rejecting European Union migrant quotas after arguing that not enough migrants contribute to Danish society, and arguing that migrants should “adjust to Danish values.”
Christian Langballe, a spokesman for the DF, welcomed the proposal, saying the party had pushed for such a measure for an extended period of time.
“They are born down there, they have never known Denmark, they have no connection with Denmark, and we must remember that it is the parents who have chosen to go down in the war zone to fight for the Islamic State,” Langballe said.
It will also now be possible for the Danish government to strip the citizenship of Islamic State members who are dual nationals without going through the court system.
“We don’t want them back home.,” Langballe said and added, “We have seen returning Syrian warriors, for example, returning to France. Here they committed this terrible terrorist attack on, among other things, the Bataclan venue and murdered 129 people.”
The danger of returning fighters has also become an issue in neighboring Sweden where it has been alleged that some have begun attempting to recruit young people in underground mosques in the city of Malmö.
Støjberg agreed, saying that if the fighters have another citizenship then she saw no reason for them to ever return to Denmark. “They are undesirable in Denmark,” she said.
When a culture becomes too liberal, opposing oppressive forces take advantage and there’s a swing to the center or right of that.
Liberalism will always attract those who wish to take advantage of it, then destroy it for their own ends.
Congratulations Denmark for your common sense.
At least there are a few countries in Europe who have no intention of committing suicide.
Up until about 5 years ago, they revoked the citizenship of Danes who took out citizenship in another country they immigrated to. Ethnic Danes outside of Denmark worked on changing that for years and years and politicians and Danes IN Denmark were against it and fought it for years and years. Then came the guest workers mostly Muslims and after a few years in Denmark they wanted to bring their extended families, friends and most of the village, to come to the land of milk and honey – guest workers were supposed to go back to their own countries after a certain time, well that never happened, then they wanted more, like citizenship and they were most certainly NOT going to give up their citizenship in their Islamic country. So after a number of years, the politicians caved and they could get, once more, what they demanded. Now the politicians would look like dirtbags if they kept on denying dual citizenship to ethnic Danes who lived in other countries. There is still an obstacle for ethnic Danes who gave up their citizenship before this was put in place, these ethnic Danes now have to apply to get their Danish citizenship back. People don’t know this and think anyone has the right to dual or more citizenships. The way things are now I’m kind of in favor of ONE citizenship per person, I used to think dual citizenship was okay, but that was before people became as abusive and shameless as so many are nowadays.
The U.S. needs to END DUAL CITIZENSHIP too, and that’s something we need to do that immediately!