Appalling footage has emerged from France, where police hit a female protester on the back of the head with a baton – a potentially lethal blow – before dragging her away.
The European Union is not condemning President Macron for these widespread human rights abuses. It appears that the globalists will not relinquish control of the country easily.
The Yellow Vests will continue to protest for another week making this weekend the 11th streight week in a row of uprising against their tyrannical government. Carefully watch the footage below. These “police” are dressed interestingly. Almost like they don’t have uniforms. Or perhaps their normal uniforms are actually more military looking than is desired. Do the Democrats want this for America as well?
Appalling footage emerges from France, where police hit a female protester on the back of the head with a baton – a potentially lethal blow – before dragging her away. Why isn’t the EU condemning President Macron for these widespread human rights abuses?
— Richard Wellings (@RichardWellings) January 25, 2019
What do you think? Should Macron resign? Or perhaps a better question is, should Hillary Clinton and Robert Mueller be in prison among countless other criminal democrats?