House Dems Reject Motion Condemning Illegal Immigrant Voting

by Daveda Gruber:

Do Democrats want an America with open borders? Well, you have to understand that the impressions they are giving surely points to that agenda.

On Friday almost all House Democrats opposed a measure condemning voting in U.S. elections by illegal immigrants.

The GOP backed a measure that would have added language to the “H.R. 1” election proposal as a part of a sweeping election reform bill.

It is really only logical, but then some people have no logic, it was written in the proposal that “allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote devalues the franchise and diminishes the voting power of United States citizens.”

As the federal law stands, non-citizens are prohibited from voting. The law doesn’t seem to be that easy to enforce. We’ve all heard about illegal voting, haven’t we?

In some cases it is easier to see when voting is manipulated. Many states have found that “dead people” vote and some measures have been taken to stop it.

It becomes more difficult to pin point voter fraud when a city such as San Francisco, which is allowing non-citizens, including illegal immigrants, to register to vote in school board elections.

All House Democrats, except for six of them, voted down the measure by 228-197. One Republican opposed it.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) said, “It sounds like I’m making it up,” What kind of government would cancel the vote of its own citizens, and replace it with noncitizens?”

He tweeted this:

Lauren Fine, who is a spokeswoman for House GOP Whip Steve Scalise, made the point that an identical resolution was adopted by the House last September. On Friday, 41 Democrats flipped and now oppose this latest measure. How quickly they change their minds.

Fine said, “These 41 Democrats must now answer to voters why they were against illegal immigrants voting in elections six months ago, but are suddenly in favor of it now.”

Scalise took to Twitter and tweeted:

On Friday the House, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, at the helm, approved the Democrat-backed election bill. It would institute public financing of congressional campaigns, require presidential candidates to disclose tax returns and make Election Day a federal holiday.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, the measure is dead on arrival in the Senate.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., sees problems with the bill.

The “H.R. 1” measure has been criticized by civil libertarians and Republicans over First Amendment concerns.

Republicans still control the Senate and that closes the case.

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