Video: Mark McCloskey Tells Hannity He Had Security Assistance from President Trump

mark mccloskey on hannity

Several days after the BLM protesters originally broke into their gated community, armed security guards were seen on the balcony of the McCloskey’s home during a second wave of protests.

The first wave of BLM protesters broke into the McCloskey’s gated community and threatened to kill them, their dog and destroy their property.

McCloskey and his wife held them off at gun point and they left, but the city of St. Louis is now treating the McCloskey’s like they are the criminals for exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and defend their life and property.

Law enforcement later showed up to search their house and they seized Mark McCloskey’s AR-15 and are now in fear of being indicted.

On Thursday, July 2, the McCloskeys received word that the Black Lives Matter protest mob was going to target them on Friday, the next day.

The McCloskeys posted this on facebook:


The St. Louis police have indicated they can not help us, and private companies will not risk their reputation to protect us and our home. We have been informed by many sources that the group Expect Us is coming back for us on July 3rd. WE ARE ALONE. We have been informed this will be a “bloodbath” and that we will be made a symbol of what happens to people who protect their Hearth and Home. To assist with our need for help, our cousins set up a GoFundMe to help pay for private security. Please support by sharing or donating if you are able.

Thank you,

Mark & Patricia McCloskey

Armed security guards were seen positioned on the balconey at the McCloskey home during the second wave of protests on their home.

Mark McCloskey joined Sean Hannity on Tuesday night to discuss the latest developments from St. Louis where McCloskey told Hannity that President Trump sent armed security to his neighborhood, to protect his home after the original assault.

Sean Hannity: The second night that the people came and the cops weren’t there then… I had a source on the ground and I’ve not been able to confirm it but maybe you can. Is it true that President Trump sent in people to defend your neighborhood and nobody knew about it?

Mark McCloskey: That’s the information we have. I think we had help from the very top. That night we had help from the federal government, from the state government, from the local police department. That night everybody stood up like champs.

Watch the video:

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