Oprah Winfrey Says One Of The Most Racist Things You Have Ever Heard (Video)

Last year after winning the Cecil B. DeMille Award at the Golden Globes, Winfrey gave an impassioned speech about the pervasive sexual abuse culture in Hollywood. Almost immediately the admiration about her began to grow and liberals and media begin to worship the idea of Oprah to be “OUR future president.”

Even Winfrey’s longtime partner, Stedman Graham, said she “would absolutely” run for the presidency.

But, it looks like Oprah’s presidential campaign ended before it began!

In a 2013 BBC interview with Will Gompertz to discuss her movie The Butler, Oprah said in order to achieve racial progress, there is an entire generation of prejudiced people who “just have to die”.

“Of course the problem is not solved. As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved. As long as there are people who still and there’s a whole generation-I said this for apartheid in South Africa, I said this for my own community in the South. There’s still generations of people, old people who are born bred and marinated in it and that prejudice and racism and they just have to die.”


It continues to surprise me that those who have benefited most at the hands of others tend to hate them so much. Oh, Oprah, we feel so sorry for you and the racism you had to endure to become a multi-millionaire. Keep fanning the flames of racial war and you will see true hardship.

The beauty of this is, it’s out there, and she can never take it back. We should all save that video and when she tries to run for president post it everywhere.

We are not born a racist, racism is created. Its created and carried on by people who benefits from it. Unfortunately, racism will never die as long as we have race baiters propping up and marketing the racing industry.

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