Police Chief Claims Starbucks Gave Officer Cups That Said ‘PIG’ on Them

starbucks pig cup

A police chief in Kiefer Oklahoma said one of his officers picked up a coffee order from a local Starbucks on Thanksgiving and the identification labels attached to the cups had the words “PIG” printed on them.

Police Chief Johnny O’Mara said his officer stopped by a Starbucks in Glenpool, Oklahoma to purchase five cups of coffee for all his dispatchers working on Thanksgiving.

But when the officer picked up the cups the word “PIG” was printed on them.

In his Facebook post, O’mara said:

What irks me is the absolute and total disrespect for a police officer who, instead of being home with family and enjoying a meal and a football game, is patrolling his little town.
This cup of coffee for a “pig” is just another little flag. It’s another tiny symptom and a nearly indiscernible shout from a contemptuous, roaring and riotous segment of a misanthropic society that vilifies those who stand for what’s right and glorifies the very people who would usher in the destruction of the social fabric. It’s another tiny pinprick into the heart of men and women who are asking themselves more often: “Why am I doing this?”
Just pour the coffee, please. Are we at a point where a task as simple as pouring an exceptionally overpriced cup of coffee is so complicated that it cannot be accomplished without “expressing oneself?”
As a side note, I called the store and was told they’d be happy to “replace the coffee with a correct label.” The proverb ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me’ came to mind.
Thank you, first responders, for risking it all this Thanksgiving away from your families. If you’re looking for coffee use a place where you pour your own and you’re certain of what’s in it.). Stay safe; go home.


After seeing the cups that officer called Chief O’Mara, so he called and spoke to the manager.

Jory Mendes with Starbucks contacted Fox 25 News by phone Thursday evening with a statement about the situation:

This is absolutely unacceptable and we are deeply sorry to the law enforcement officer who experienced this. We have also apologized directly to him and we are working to connect with the police chief as well as to express our remorse. The barista has been suspended pending the outcome of our investigation into this matter. This language is offensive to all law enforcement and is not representative of the deep appreciation we have for police officers who work tirelessly to keep our communities safe.

Watch the video on Fox 25 here:


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