HILARIOUS! Greg Gutfeld Wears CNN Box On His Head During ‘The Five’ Intro (Video)
Once President Trump tweeted out the WWE CNN takedown video, CNN’s end began with an explosion of anti-CNN memes featuring a red CNN box digitally placed over people’s…

Watch: Media Analyst Mark Dice Exposes Exactly Why CNN is Failing so Miserably (Video)
CNN network has lost all touch with reality. They are a joke and it is a shame they used to have some credibility as a news org, years…

BREAKING: CNN Caught Editing Out Eyewitness Testimony of Election Voter Fraud
As California refuses to comply with a Trump administration investigation into how many illegal aliens voted in the presidential election, CNN was caught deliberately editing out eyewitness testimony of…

Trump Celebrates Three CNN Employees Resigning Over Phony Russia Story
President Trump responded to the news that three CNN employees lost their jobs over a retracted news story, then called for the network to take additional action for other “phony stories” they have reported. Wow, CNN had to…

BREAKING: Undercover Video Reveals CNN Producer Admitting Trump-Russia Story is “Bullsh*t” (Video)
James O’Keefe of Project Veritas just dropped a bombshell undercover video of CNN Producer John Bonifield admitting the Trump-Russia story is bullsh*t but they continue to push the false narrative for “ratings.” Bonifield admits there is no “giant…

Leaked Internal Memo Shows CNN Humiliated Over Fake Russia Story Retraction
After getting busted publishing and having to completely retract fake news about a shadowy Trump-Russia collusion, CNN execs have demanded their liberal propagandist staff review their Russia hit pieces with execs first. Breitbart reports: CNNMoney Executive Editor Rich…

Tucker Carlson Crushes Anderson Cooper in Ratings By Record Margin
Anderson Cooper is a mama’s boy rich kid who hasn’t got a clue. He represents the far left liberal idealism to the point of saying whatever you need to say to project the cause of open borders, world…

The White House is Making Changes in Their Press Strategy
CNN has been working overtime to bring President Trump down ever since before he won the election. Now, this has come back to bite them in a big way… The Daily Caller reported that media outlets like CNN…
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