illegal immigration

European Politician Demolishes Triggered Liberal Reporter: ‘Our Country Is Safe Because We Accept ZERO Illegals’ (VIDEO)

Illegal immigration is a clear and present danger not just to America, but to the whole world. Luckily, Poland knows this. Dominik Tarczyński, a member of Poland’s Law…

Immigration Expert Warns: Border Protection “Completely Overwhelmed” – Democrats Still in Denial

Top immigration expert Theresa Brown, a former Customs and Border Patrol policy adviser who now works at the Bipartisan Policy Center, said the situation at the border has…

Watch-Democratic Presidential Candidate: Expand Social Security to Illegal Immigrants

The Democrats can’t win without illegal votes. They’re also want to change the rules to stack the Supreme Court and abolish the Electoral College. We all know that…

Illegal Immigrant Released by Sanctuary City Gets $280 Fine for Killing Two Police Officers In Car Crash

Since President Trump signed the travel ban, the liberal media strictly criticized Trump’s decision. Illegal immigrants were described by them as innocent people who never cause violence in the United States. Reality is that immigrant comes to America…

Children Distractions in Play as Illegals Cross Border

by Daveda Gruber: The U.S. Southern border is a place where the action never stops. Smugglers are rather inventive when thinking up new ways to divert attention by U.S. Border Patrol Agents. Monday was no exception to the…

Border Patrol Catches 750 Illegal Immigrants Over Weekend, in One Sector

Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 750 undocumented migrants, mostly from Central America over the weekend. Many of the migrants required medical attention. Nearly 750 undocumented immigrants apprehended near Yuma, Border Patrol says — KGUN9…

Illegal Immigrant Confesses to Killing Woman Found in Suitcase

You would think people who come here illegal to make a better life for themselves, but many of them come to to prey on others. We don’t want that! It’s why we need a process to allow people…

Democrats Vote To Allow Illegal Immigrants To Vote In U.S. Elections(Hoax Alert Fast-Checked By Snopes)

“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat and hero of the civil rights movement, told colleagues as he led opposition to the…

Democrats Propose “Child Trafficking Encouragement Act” That Would End All Immigration Enforcement

The House Democrats’ first offer to President Trump in negotiations to fund his proposed United States-Mexico border wall includes a provision that would end all immigration enforcement for migrants trafficking children across the southern border. We have seen…

Trump Wall

If President Trump Tries To Declare A National Emergency To Build The Wall, The Democrats Plan To Use Lawsuits To Keep It From Ever Being Built

President Trump has repeatedly floated the idea of declaring a national emergency in order to pave the way for the wall to be built, and it is now being reported that the White House has actually drawn up…