unedited video

Video Shows Motorist Running Over Guy Who Was Laying Injured On The Street, Takes Off As If Nothing Happened – The Police Say This Was An Accident And No Criminal Charges Were Filed

I remember when Americans would make fun of China for their sociopathic driving. In China, drivers who have injured pedestrians will sometimes then try to kill them. And…

Video: SWAT Serve A Warrant On The Wrong Person – Kill Him As He Tries To Figure Out If He’s Victim Of A Home Invasion

A 19-year-old man who was fatally shot by Metro Police in the southeast valley Monday had no connection to a murder police were investigating when they entered an…

Video: High School Student Violently Attacks A 64-Year-Old Wheelchair-Bound Teacher For A ‘Tik-Tok Challenge’ – Receive Justice

A Covington High School student has been arrested and others may face disciplinary actions after an apparent Tik-Tok challenge gone wrong. A wheelchair-bound 64-year-old teacher was injured in…

Biden Gets COVID-19 Booster Shot On Camera But Photos Reveal That It Was A Movie-Set With A Fake Background

President Biden received his COVID-19 vaccine booster shot on Monday, after public health officials recommended boosters for many Americans, including those 65 and older. Mr. Biden, 78, got his third shot on camera, and delivered brief remarks before…

Breaking Video: Public Health Chief Says Covid Contact Tracing Is Part Of The ‘New World Order’

Conspiracy theory no more! After State Premier Gladys Berejiklian had unveiled her administration’s plan for Greater Sydney’s path to freedom out of lockdown, Dr. Chant revealed the new vaccine requirements for workers and customers when the city reopens.…

Announcer Forgets To Cut Mic – Calls High School Basketball Girls F****** N*ggers For Kneeling During The Anthem (Video)

Trigger warning: the contents of this article contain graphic details and audio of a racial slur which our site does not support. The announcer, who is contracted with the National Federation of High School (NFHS) Network, grew furious…

Large 5G Cell Tower Allegedly Disguised As A Tree Is On Fire In Los Angeles – Nearby Apartment Evacuating (Video)

Last year the Department of Homeland Security advised the U.S. telecom industry on steps it can take to prevent attacks on 5G cell towers following a rash of incidents in Western Europe fueled by the claims that the…

Trump Supporter Wearing MAGA Hat Sexually Assaulted on Camera by Privileged Liberal, Police Watch and Do Nothing (VIDEO)

Is there such a thing as Toxic Feminism? A privileged Liberal woman acted on her deepest desires in Washington D.C. this week and sexually assaulted Owen by grabbing him by the genitals right in front of the camera…