A shaken Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) issued a statement and spoke to reporters Friday on the Supreme Court decision returning abortion lawmaking to the states. Pelosi called the ruling “cruel”, “deadly serious” and blamed President Trump, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and Republicans.
Video below:
"Catholic" Nancy Pelosi is already sulking over LANDMARK Supreme Court decision OVERTURNING Roe v. Wade:
"There's no point in saying good morning because it certainly is not one." pic.twitter.com/aBpnvnMqTL
— Danny De Urbina (@dannydeurbina) June 24, 2022
Pelosi also attacked the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, “Pelosi on the court: “No, I don’t respect a process that criminalizes a women’s right to her reproductive freedom.
Almost all of the went with the same script here’s AOC:
#AOC doing what she does best.
Inciting a #riot— The Daily Sneed™ (@Tr00peRR) June 24, 2022
Maxine Waters ent one te ahead!
It’s got so bad that the left is getting awfully “insurrection-y.”
Mad Max, who just got over COVID, is standing outside the Capitol, telling Americans to IGNORE the SCOUTS ruling and to do whatever the hell they want.
She’s literally inciting an insurrection on the very fabric of our country’s law and order.
Waters shared the following after today’s ruling.
They’ve seen nothing yet. Women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try to stop us. To hell with the Supreme Court, we will defy them!
Women will be in control of their bodies and if they think black women are intimidated or afraid, they got another thought coming. Black women will be out in droves. We will be out by the thousands. We will be out by the millions. We are going to make sure we fight for the right to control our own bodies.
Video below:
Is Aunti Maxi inciting insurrection?
OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion