Video Surfaces From Apec Summit Where Biden Nearly Ate His Boogers But There Is Something Even More Concerning On His Head

During his recent APEC summit with China and other nations, President Joe Biden appeared extremely confused, scratching his face and looking around like he had no idea what was happening around him.

The President then whispered in the ear of one of the leaders on stage before wandering off to his right as the rest of the world leaders stood before the cameras. Biden appeared lost. See a clip of that embarrassing moment for President Joe Biden at the APEC Summit below…

Biden also strangely claimed that he has an agreement with other countries so that, “private companies don’t have any worry about their investments being used properly.” The statement simply makes no sense. See a clip of Biden making that claim below…

It was an embarrassing performance for Joe Biden at the APEC Summit.

But a newly surfaced video seems to show something even more embarrassing!

Joe almost ate his buggers!

Video below:

The more important thing is what’s happening with Biden’s head

What is going on with the top of his scalp?

Biden is lost he appeared to fall asleep at one gathering, and his performance at the briefest of follow-up press conferences showed a man sadly in decline, unable to remember names and faces in the White House press corps and, embarrassingly, in his one unscripted moment, describing Xi once again as a dictator.

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

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