Ilhan Omar have a year full of scandals. But her comments about 9/11 made one brave American to decide to run against her in the 5th congressional district.
Chris Kelley is a man who has collected eleven military medals as a 27-year veteran of the U.S. Army and Army Reserves and clocked more than 36,000 hours patrolling the Minnesota streets as a 20-year veteran
But that’s not the only news that came from Minnesota this month, that Omar have to worry about it.
State Rep. Steve Drazkowski said this month that he is
As The Minnesota Sun reported, Omar filed joint tax returns in 2014 and 2015 with Ahmed Hirsi, even though she was married to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi from 2009 to 2017. Omar claims that she “corrected” those tax returns, though Drazkowski alleges that she may have improperly used campaign funds to do so.
The Republican lawmaker was joined by several of his colleagues at a Tuesday press conference, including State Reps. Eric Lucero, Shane Mekeland, Linda Runbeck, Tim Miller, Cal Bahr, Jeremy Munson and more.
State Rep. Steve Drazkowski (R-Mazeppa) announced Tuesday that he is submitting formal requests to the IRS and the Minnesota Department of Revenue for a full investigation into Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN-05) fraudulent 2014 and 2015 tax returns.
As The Minnesota Sun reported, Omar filed joint tax returns in 2014 and 2015 with Ahmed Hirsi, even though she was married to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi from 2009 to 2017. Omar claims that she “corrected” those tax returns, though Drazkowski alleges that she may have improperly used campaign funds to do so.
The Republican lawmaker was joined
“I am very pleased that several of my colleagues here in the Minnesota House are joining me in this effort,” Drazkowski said.
“More and more people are beginning to realize that Rep. Omar’s deceptive conduct is unacceptable. The people deserve answers.”
Earlier this year, a report claimed that Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Hirsi filed joint tax returns in at least 2014-2015.
Yet Ilhan Omar was legally married to another man from 2009-2017.
A sitting congresswoman may have filed EIGHT YEARS of fraudulent, felonious, tax returns.
The Democrats denied the alleged indiscretions, though the complaints were still unconfirmed to the public at the time.