
Video: Did You Catch That? Mysterious Object Flies Across Screen During LA Fire Coverage
In a startling moment caught on live television, viewers watching coverage of a raging Los Angeles fire spotted something unexpected—a mysterious object streaking across the screen at an…

Video: Freaky Lights Were Really in the Sky Right Before the Earthquake – Here’s Where They Came From
Mysterious lights appear to have been spotted in Morocco before a devastating earthquake hit last week — and scientists still can’t figure out what caused them. A 6.8-magnitude…

After Learning That Twitter Employs At Least 15 Former FBI Agents, We Searched Facebook – What We Found Is Alarming
Twitter’s top ranks were riddled with ex-FBI agents and executives, stitching the company even closer to the federal agency now under fire for leaning on Twitter to meddle…

Audio: Elon Musk Joins Twitter Space With Woke/Suspended Journalists And Drops A Huge Truth Bomb On Them
You know, one of the worst things about the previous owners of Twitter is the false sense of importance they gave so many people who really should have kinda sorta faded away years ago. Elon Musk announced that…

Here’s The Full List Of Major Companies Who Pulled Advertising After Elon Musk Decided To Make Twitter A Free-Speech Platform For All
Woke’ corporations that have dominated social media giant Twitter for years are pulling their ads in the aftermath of Elon Musk’s takeover of the platform. Pfizer on Thursday announced that it was ‘pausing’ ads, but it wasn’t the…

Video: Putin Appears Fidgety At Church Service And Fuels Rumors About Secret Ailing Health
President Vladimir Putin on Sunday attended an Easter mass conducted by the Russian Orthodox Church, which has strongly backed the Kremlin leader’s “special military operation” in Ukraine. Putin, dressed in a dark blue suit, a white shirt and…

As The Police Move In To Mop Up Freedom Protesters Veterans Formed A Line Between The Police And The Truckers At The Windsor Bridge (Photos)
The Windsor police moved in this morning and started removing the Freedom Convoy Truckers from the Ambassador Bridge from Canada to the US. The Canadian police had started to remove protesters at the Ambassador bridge in Windsor, Ontario,…

Video: Man In A Care Facility Went Into Cardiac Arrest And Died After Paramedics Refused To Enter The Building Due To Covid
When the police officer entered a room at a southern California care facility last month, he found a panicked nurse performing chest compressions on a patient, body-camera footage shows. The patient was in cardiac arrest, and the staff…

Stunning: Facebook Court Filing Admits That ‘Fact Checks’ Are Nothing More Than Opinion (Images)
Back in September, news broke out that former TV journalist John Stossel has reportedly filed a lawsuit against Facebook seeking at least $2 million in damages, alleging that the company defamed him by adding “fact-check” labels to two…

If You Ask Your Android To Sing A Song, It Sings A Creepy Vaccine Song (Videos)
Apparently, if you have an android and ask it to sing a song, it sings a creepy vaccine song. When the option was first introduced back in May you had to say “sing the vaccine song,” Now you…

Child In Indiana Who Has Been Diagnosed With An Infection Gets Refused Treatment In The Hospital Because His Mother Denied Covid Testing
Some conservative Indiana lawmakers wanting to stymie President Joe Biden’s planned COVID-19 vaccine mandates for private employers are facing skepticism from their own Republican leaders and the state’s largest business group. While Biden has promised federal vaccination-or-testing regulations…

Breaking Video: Public Health Chief Says Covid Contact Tracing Is Part Of The ‘New World Order’
Conspiracy theory no more! After State Premier Gladys Berejiklian had unveiled her administration’s plan for Greater Sydney’s path to freedom out of lockdown, Dr. Chant revealed the new vaccine requirements for workers and customers when the city reopens.…

Kamala Harris Urged Americans To Get The Covid-19 Vaccine Because The Bible Says So (Video)
Back in September last year, Kamala Harris said that President Donald Trump’s word alone on any potential coronavirus vaccine is not enough. Asked by CNN’s Dana Bash on whether she would get a vaccine that was approved and…

Large 5G Cell Tower Allegedly Disguised As A Tree Is On Fire In Los Angeles – Nearby Apartment Evacuating (Video)
Last year the Department of Homeland Security advised the U.S. telecom industry on steps it can take to prevent attacks on 5G cell towers following a rash of incidents in Western Europe fueled by the claims that the…

Brace Yourself America – High School Forces Kids In Band To Play In Green Igloo Bubbles (Photos)
Children and young people are far less likely than adults to get severe cases of COVID-19 infection, and death from the pandemic disease among children is exceptionally rare, according to UK research published last summer. A study of…

Texas Warning: Videos From Concerned Citizens Show Parasites In The Water As Many Texans Ignore The Warnings
After enduring multiple days of freezing temperatures and Texans dripping faucets to prevent frozen pipes from bursting, cities across the state warned residents that water levels are dangerously low and may be unsafe to drink. They’re telling Texans…

Video: Man Accosted by 2 Karens at Walmart for Not Wearing Face Mask
Opinion A man, minding his own business, was shopping at Walmart when two women accosted him while recording him with their video phones. The first “Karen” approached him with her video phone while berating him for allegedly not…

Doctors Banned From YouTube After Exposing Coronavirus Lies
Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi of Bakersfield, California were banned from YouTube after releasing a video exposing how the coronavirus caused significantly fewer fatalities than had previously been projected. “We’ve seen 1,227 deaths in the state of…

Trump To Democrat Governors: End Sanctuary Cities Or No Bailout
President Donald Trump suggested that stimulus money to states will be conditioned on tackling sanctuary cities at a Tuesday press conference. “The problem with the states is we’re not looking to recovery 25 years of bad management and…

Gov. Noem Slams Lockdown: I Believe In People’s Liberties!
Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) has defended her policy not to pursue a full lockdown in South Dakota in a Wednesday interview with Breitbart News. Noem noted that past projections of a “surge” in the coronavirus outbreak have turned…