Newly Uncovered Emails Show The Team That Let Jussie Smollett Off The Hook May Be Feeling The Heat

Los Angeles-based criminal defense attorney Steven Graff Levine tells Yahoo that the Empire star’s case isn’t closed just yet.“I think this case is really just starting now,” Levine says. “I think this dismissal has opened up a brand new can of worms because I think people who were not interested in the case before are now very interested in the case.

This case is far, far, far from over.”The lawyer addresses questions about why Smollett forfeited his $10,000 bail, why the Chicago Police Department is angry at the charges being dropped, why the charges were dropped at all and more in the video above.

The FBI is still investigating Smollett, looking at whether he sent himself hate mail laced with white powder in the days before the alleged hate crime. ABC Chicago reports that the FBI is also “reviewing circumstances surrounding the dismissal of criminal charges against Jussie Smollett.”

But Newly uncovered emails show that the team who let Jussie Smollet of the hook are feeling the heat!

Per FoxNews, an internal email from the office of Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, obtained by Fox News on Wednesday, asked assistant state’s attorneys to dig for any examples to bolster Foxx’s claim that the dropped charges in the Jussie Smollett case weren’t as uncommon or shocking as they seemed.

The email read in part, “We are looking for examples of cases, felony preferable, where we, in (exercising) our discretion, have entered into verbal agreements with defense attorneys to dismiss charges against an offender if certain conditions were met…”

The email added, “Nobody is in trouble, we are just looking for further examples of how we, as prosecutors, use our discretion in a way that restores the victim…”

It was not clear who sent it, and exactly when it was sent. Foxx recused herself from the case last February but defended her office offering Smollett “an alternative prosecution model” in a series of interviews Wednesday.

An internal email from Kim Foxx’s office obtained by Fox News asked workers to dig for examples bolstering Foxx’s claim that the dropped charges in the Jussie Smollett case weren’t as uncommon or shocking as they seemed. (Getty, File)

Illinois Attorney Rod Drobinski told Fox News that because a special prosecutor was not appointed in the Smollett case, there were appearances of impropriety on behalf of Foxx’s office. “Even the prosecutor said it was a strong case. That makes it even more unusual that they didn’t demand that he admit to what he did as part of this dismissal.”

The evidence of failed justice just piles up in this case.

This news didn’t come as a surprise as we reported before:

Soros has spent heavily on backing “progressive” candidates for local prosecutorial offices across the nation, following the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2014, which alleged that black defendants have been treated unfairly by the justice system.

Foxx ran in 2016 against incumbent Anita Alvarez, who faced intense public controversy over the 2014 murder of a black teenager, LaQuan McDonald, by Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke.

Foxx ran on a platform of criminal justice reform, telling local ABC News affiliate WLS-7 that she wanted to focus on “restoring faith in our criminal justice system” and “bridging the divide between the community and law enforcement.”

As reported in 2016, Alvarez received donations from the “old-boy” network, but Foxx found other donors, including Soros:

But Kim Foxx has also found two other sources of cash, in the form of twin $300,000 donations to a Super PAC supporting her called Illinois Safety & Justice. The sole donors to the PAC are a neoliberal super donor and conservative-boogeyman George Soros and a “dark-money” group called Civic Participation Action Fund. A Super PAC is a fundraising group, created by the 2010 Supreme Court Citizens United decision, that can raise as much money as they want for any candidate or cause—as long as they don’t coordinate on any level with political campaigns, which have much smaller campaign limits.

State campaign finance records show that Soros personally contributed a total of $333,000 to Foxx’s super PAC before the March 15, 2016 primary was over, and an additional $75,000 after she won.

Foxx defeated Alvarez in the primary and won easily in the fall.

This is another example of liberals weaponizing government agencies against its citizens. Another case of government misconduct. Albeit on the state level this time. Everyone knows Jessie staged this. The evidence is right there.

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