The driver of a truck was charged Monday with seven counts of negligent homicide.
Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, was arrested Monday morning at his home in West Springfield, Massachusetts on a fugitive from justice charge related to Friday’s crash, the New Hampshire attorney general’s office said.
The victims’ details are:
62-year-old Michael Ferazzi of Contoocook, New Hampshire
59-year-old Albert Mazza of Lee, New Hampshire
58-year-old Daniel Pereira of Riverside, Rhode Island
58-year-olds Jo-Ann & Edward Corr of Lakeville, Massachusetts
42-year-old Desma Oakes of Concord, New Hampshire
45-year-old Aaron Perry of Farmington, New Hampshire
A law enforcement official confirmed to Breitbart News that Zhukovskyy originally entered the U.S. on September 18, 2006, as a refugee from Ukraine. Recently, his father told the Boston Herald, the Ukranian national was able to secure a green card and adjust his refugee status in 2008 to become a permanent legal resident.
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency have a detainer on Zhukovskyy requesting that he be turned over to federal immigration officials should he be released from prison at any time.
Criminal records obtained by the Boston Herland indicate that Zhukovskyy had multiple run-ins with the law dating back seven years.
In 2013, Zhukovskyy was convicted of drunk driving and had his driver’s license suspended for 210 days as well as being placed on probation after being arrested. At the time, he was called an “immediate threat” by state officials. In 2017, Zhukovskyy was convicted on drug charges including heroin and cocaine. ICE officials have requested additional information on this particular case.
On May 11, Zhukovskyy was arrested in East Windsor, Connecticut, after he failed a sobriety test. Despite being arrested for drunk driving again, the Ukrainian national’s driver’s license had yet to be suspended and was valid when he crashed and allegedly killed the seven motorcyclists.
The circumstances of the wreck have been mysterious.
George Loring, a JarHeads member who lives in Hingham, Massachusetts, and was a few hundred yards from the crash, said Zhukovskyy has “got to live with it for the rest of his life.”
“Everyone’s suffering so much. I guess it’s going to help a little bit, knowing, but I feel sorry for the guy who did it,” Loring said. “It’s so sad for the brothers and sisters who died. You can be angry at him, you can be whatever. I don’t know. I’m glad he’s been arrested.”
I have to ask why he wasn’t deported after his 2013 conviction. If that had happened, these 7 people would still be living.
His drug conviction in 2017 certainly should have sent him back to Ukraine.
His arrest in May, given his extensive criminal history, certainly should have given someone at ICE a reason to begin deportation proceedings.
Now a Go Fund Me page has been found where you can show your support for their families!
The Go Fund Me page states the following ( you can find a link to the Go Fund Me page below):
On June 21st 2019 Jarheads MC was riding to a charity event at the local American Legion in Gorham, New Hampshire Post #82. Our pack was struck by an oncoming vehicle and we lost 5 patch holders and 2 supporters, and many others are injured. Our club and the families are going to need help and we cannot do it alone. I am pleading with you all, please do what you can, and this money will go where it is needed to help ease some of the burden of these victims families. Jarheads MC has always been about helping veterans and their families and sadly, today we are in need of that same support.
Names and conditions of all will not be shared at this time as we are still being impacted by news as it arrives. We will be in New Hampshire the rest of the weekend supporting our friends and families.
*Jarheads Motorcycle Club is a club consisting of active duty or honorably discharged Marines and FMF Corpsmen. We ride and serve veterans and veteran families in our committees, with chapters in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine.