James O’Keefe of Project Veritas just dropped a bombshell undercover video of CNN Producer John Bonifield admitting the Trump-Russia story is bullsh*t but they continue to push the false narrative for “ratings.”
Bonifield admits there is no “giant proof” that any of the Trump-Russia allegations is true, otherwise it would have come out or have been leaked by now. Bonifield says “it’s mostly bullsh*t right now.” He admits he has seen no evidence of a crime either.
Bonifield admits that Trump is right to call the Trump-Russia probe a “witch hunt” with no real proof.
Bonifield downplayed the Russian influencing the election story because the US does the same all the time as well as tries to influence other governments.
He goes on to say that CNN leadership focusing on the Russian story is great for ratings and that CNN president Jeff Zucker pushes them to put out Russia conspiracy stuff over other news.
Bonifield says cable news like CNN is a business and has no ethics like they teach in journalism school. It is not like NBC News that has 20 million viewers.
Bonifield admits CNN crafts their coverage to appease liberals and they treat President Trump differently than Obama because they would have probably lost viewers if they scrutinized Obama like they do Trump. He said, “Trump is good for business right now.”
Watch the video:
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