Video: Kamala Harris Rally Speaker’s Off-Color Joke About Mexican Stereotypes—Audience Reacts Uncomfortably

During a campaign rally headlined by Vice President Kamala Harris and gubernatorial candidate Tim Walz, comedian George Lopez took the stage and cracked a joke that left the audience with mixed reactions. Lopez, a longtime supporter of Democratic causes, made a jab at former President Trump’s border wall, quipping, “Trump said he was gonna build a wall. You better build it overnight; otherwise…” implying the supplies would be “stolen” by Mexicans.

The crowd responded with a range of reactions—some laughed, while others seemed taken aback by the joke’s stereotyping undertone. While Lopez is known for his edgy humor, the comment struck a nerve for some attendees, especially given the Democratic Party’s public stance on diversity and inclusion. The moment has since sparked debate online, with critics pointing out the party’s tolerance for stereotypes when delivered by their own entertainers. Watch the video below to see the crowd’s response as Lopez delivers his controversial punchline.

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