$230M Spent On 61,000 Unaccompanied Illegal Immigrant Children That Have Entered The US

While I feel very sorry for these children, if we stop accepting them into our country and supporting them, then the parents will stop sending them. It is not America’s responsibility to take care of these kids.

Things are getting ridiculous on the border, while the Dems are not wiling to admit that there is a border crisis we have to use the taxpayers money to feed the children of illegal immigrants.

A record 61,000 unaccompanied migrant children have surged over the U.S.-Mexico border and been handed to federal care facilities since October, and there are still over two months left in the fiscal year, according to immigration officials.

The mass entry of solitary children dwarfs the numbers of previous years, according to the Examiner. The 2018 fiscal year saw 49,100 cross. The current fiscal year tops this number, with still two months remaining before totals are finalized, according to a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) report.

The time spent in a facility may be dropping, but the cost of these migrants is soaring. $230 million has already been spent on everything from toiletries to snacks, the Examiner reports.

These kids are being sent across without an adult. So who do we send them back with? I think that should fall back to Mexico for allowing them through their country to start with.

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