Home Opinion April Ryan Receives Harsh Criticism For Saying Sarah Sanders’ Head Should Be...

April Ryan Receives Harsh Criticism For Saying Sarah Sanders’ Head Should Be ‘Lopped Off,’ – Now She Plays The Victim (Video)

April Ryan is triggered because Sarah Sanders allegedly lied, but the truth is that everyone in the democratic party been lying to us for the last 10 years and the mainstream media stayed quiet!

“Not only does she not have credibility, but she also lied,” Ryan said on a CNN panel Thursday night, during a discussion about Sanders’ 2017 usage of the word “countless” when referring to FBI agents who had lost confidence in their former boss, James Comey.

“She out and out lied, and the people, the American people can’t trust her. They can’t trust what’s said from the president’s mouthpiece-spokesperson from the people’s house. Therefore, she should be let go. She should be fired, end of the story,” she said. “When there was a lack of credibility there, you have to start and start lopping the heads off. It fires me Thursday or fires me Good Friday. She needs to go.”


She faced huge critics but the strongest words came from Sarah’s father, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee!

He tweeted Friday night that Ryan’s “incitement to murder” should lead to a revocation of her White House credentials.

So liberals—is this okay?Does CNN have the integrity to deal w/ this incitement to murder? CNN’s April Ryan Says Sarah Sanders’ Head Should Be “Lopped Off”

Will the ⁦@whca⁩ revoke April Ryan’s credentials? If not, they are gutless tools. CNN’s April Ryan Says Sarah Sanders’ Head Should Be “Lopped Off

Ryan responded to Huckabee’s tweets and played the victime herself:

Meanwhile, conservatives on Twitter weren’t falling for Ryan’s “unreal” attempt to “play the victim” game.

This threat shouldn’t be taken lightly, regardless of who the person is! It is too serious! The woman should be paying the consequences for her choice of threat!