Biden Claims Russian Election Interference Wouldn’t Happen on ‘His Watch’

by Daveda Gruber:

On Friday, former Vice President Joe Biden has stated that Russia wouldn’t dare “undo” elections on his watch.

Biden did an interview on CNN, which aired on Friday, where he made some strong claims about President Trump.

The former vice president slammed Trump’s foreign policy and also predicted that NATO would cease to exist if Trump were re-elected as president of the United States.

The Democratic presidential frontrunner said, “We need allies. He’s absolutely dissing them. He’s embracing thugs. He’s embracing [North Korean dictator] Kim Jong Un. He’s embracing [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, who’s a flat dictator. And he’s stiff-arming our friends. He’s threatening NATO to pull out of NATO. I mean, come on!”

Biden was then asked by CNN anchor Chris Cuomo answered, “He says he’s gotten NATO to give in more money for defense because of his tactics.”

Biden came back with, “Oh, give me a break. Let me put it this way; If he wins re-election, I promise you there will be no NATO in four years or five years.”

That was a pretty bold statement. It appears that Biden has a crystal ball from which he can predict the future.

CNN tweeted this:

Grabien  Media tweeted this:

Biden said, “Look at what’s happening with Putin. While Putin is trying to undo our elections, he is undoing elections in Europe. Look at what’s happening in Hungary, look what’s happening in Poland, look what’s happening. You think that would happen on my watch or Barack’s watch? You can’t answer that, but I promise it wouldn’t have, and it didn’t.”

Biden then delved into Russian interference in European countries.

Biden went on to say, “While Putin’s trying to undo our elections, he’s actually undoing elections in, in Europe. Look at what’s happening in Hungary… look at what’s happening! You think that would happen on my watch, on Barack’s watch? You can’t answer that, but I promise you it wouldn’t have. And it didn’t.”

Did Biden forget that he was Barack Obama’s vice president from 2009 until the end of 2016?

Trump won the presidential election on November 8, 2016 and became the President-elect. Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, were formally elected by the Electoral College on December 19, 2016.

I’m not a mathematical genius, but to me that puts Biden, along with Obama, in the White House during the 2016 elections.

I tweeted this:

The intelligence community determined Russia did try to interfere in the 2016 election which took place during the Obama administration when he was vice president.

So, we know where Biden was when Vladimir Putin was interfering in the U.S. election. Maybe he just doesn’t remember? Well, maybe he just wants to forget that he and Obama couldn’t or wouldn’t address the matter?

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