In Joe Biden’s attempt to portray President Trump as doing nothing to help Americans, one of his campaign ads features a business woman who claims that President Trump has not help small businesses during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Since Biden can’t honestly say that Trump has helped no one, to concoct his story, he found a small business owner, who got a big fat, forgivable loan from the government, who was willing to go on camera and claim Trump doesn’t help small business.
Tiffany Easley, owner of NV My Eyewear, an optometry and eyewear store in Philadelphia, PA, received a $27,000 forgivable loan from the federal government via the administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was signed into law by President Trump.
In Biden’s campaian ad, Easley says:
I always wanted to build something from the ground up. I saved, put in the hours, and put off vacations,” Easley says in the video.
I opened NV My Eyewear three and a half years ago, and just as we were adding locations and employees, this pandemic brought everything to a halt. I had to permanently close one location and furlough my employees, and it’s my staff. They’re my family. It’s just heartbreaking.
But what’s worse is that this president seemed to make everything else worse. Donald Trump and his administration left the American people behind.
The people that he is supposed to protect and serve. Small businesses, they need a partner in the White House, and that’s why I’m with Joe. I know he’ll help small businesses like mine get back on our feet. I spent my life building this business from the ground up. I want a president that’s going to build this country back better than before.
Watch the video:
In an April interview with BillyPenn, Easley said she’d “lost at least 95% of my revenue for March, and I guess it’s gonna be the same thing for April.”
However, she was able to stay in business thanks to the PPP, one of President Trump’s signature COVID-19 relief packages.
“The reason she’s able to be optimistic about the future? For one, Easley is a woman of faith, she said. Also, she was able to score emergency financial relief from two different sources,” BillyPenn reported.
“NV My Eyewear is one of the businesses that got a payout from the first phase of the federal Paycheck Protection Program. Easley was awarded a loan of $27,000, which will be forgiven if she uses it to rehire staff, as she’s planning to do.”
The other aid came in the form of a $5,000 grant from a Philadelphia COVID-19 relief fund.
You would think she would be thankful for the President helping her to save her business, but this is the thanks he gets.