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CNN’s Ana Navarro Hurls Insults at Black Trump Supporters in Response to Recent Poll

navarro diamond silk

CNN’s “Republican” strategist Ana Navarro-Cardenas recently went on a tantrum after poll numbers came out showing that black support for trump is at a 34% rate.

Navarro targeted Kanye West, Ben Carson, Sheriff David Clarke and the Trump-supporting duo of Diamond & Silk

Diamond & Silk didn’t let it go and fired back at Navarro in their own creative way.

From The Blaze:

Republican strategist and CNN contributor Ana Navarro-Cardenas — a frequent critic of President Donald Trump — said Monday she cannot believe new polls showing rising approval of the president’s job performance among African American voters, and reacted by hurling insults at black individuals who have been vocal in their support of the president.

What are the details?

After learning that African American approval of President Trump is at 34.5 percent according to Emerson polling, and 34 percent according to Rasmussen, Navarro-Cardenas responded on Twitter: “Zero chance this is accurate. Zero. The poll must have only been conducted in the homes of Ben Carson, Kanye, that sheriff guy with the hat and those two Cubic Zirconia & Polyester-Spandex ladies.”

Navarro-Cardenas was, of course, referring to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, rapper Kanye West, former Sheriff David Clarke Jr., and Fox Nation hosts Diamond and Silk.

In reaction to being called “those two Cubic Zirconia & Polyester-Spandex ladies,” Diamond and Silk threw back their own shade without naming the pundit, tweeting, “Beware of Deep State Snakes like Porky The Pig masquerading around like a Republican but acting like a Democrat rat. Shame on her for insulting black people because they choose to think for themselves & make their own decision to ditch the Democrat Plantation. #StopbeingARacist”

Conservative activist and author Candace Owens — another prominent African American supporter of President Trump — was notably left out of Navarro-Cardenas’ tweet. Still, Owens took notice, telling her audience, “Didn’t even have to wait until Election Day for the liberal meltdown to ensue: 2020 liberal preview: impeach BLACK people!”


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Jeff Petermann
Jeff Petermann grew up in a strict Baptist home where the rules were more important than the relationships. After finishing Christian school in Elkhart, Indiana, Jeff went on to school in Indianapolis with his wife Jessica. During his studies, he left Bible school to pursue a career in business. Jeff has been in sales and marketing for two decades and after much searching decided to go back to school in 2015 where he completed his BS in Marketing, and a double Masters in Leadership and Management and his MBA. Jeff has been married for 21 years, has 3 children between the ages of 17 years old and 2 years old, and owns a marketing agency in Indiana.