Several very high profile lawyers are joining forces to fight for justice for the Covington Catholic High School students were wrongfully accused of racism by the left wing media after a school trip to DC for the March for Life. Robert Barns side the the team will have at least five lawyers from five different law firms — all with a record of high profile civil cases. The media outlets who shamed the students have retracted their stories and those who have not could be sued. Twitter is also under threat.
Barnes confirmed that former CNN host Reza Aslan, actor Michael Rapaport and ABC News senior political analyst anchor Matthew Dowd are on the list to be sued out of the hundreds of celebrities and journalists who defamed the boys.
Some sources have confirmed, the family of Nick Sandmann has also fired his previous lawyer. The reason is unclear, but it came on the heels of the Today Show interview where he was interrogated by a clearly hostile interviewer.
The Gateway Pundit reported Aslan, who was fired from CNN for calling President Donald Trump a “piece of sh-t” on Twitter, apparently has not learned his lesson.
On Sunday, 46-year-old Aslan tweeted a photo of Sandmann asking, “have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid’s?”
Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid’s?
— Reza Aslan (@rezaaslan) January 20, 2019
Twitter determined that this violent tweet about a minor did not violate their terms of service.
Rapaport ruthlessly attacked the boys, many as young as 14-years-old, calling them “Catholic school teenage f-ckboys,” “MAGA hat-wearing sh-t stains,” “little Kentucky Catholic school c-cksuckers,” and more in a video posted to Twitter.
On Monday, Dowd called on his followers and colleagues “not let these kids, their parents, and their school off the hook. Regardless of what led up to this, this is awful.”
Folks, let us not let these kids, their parents, and their school off the hook. Regardless of what led up to this, this is awful. @secupp @JohnJHarwood
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) January 21, 2019
Despite the story having been debunked, Dowd continued to double down.
All should condemn the bigotry and awful behavior of these students.
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) January 21, 2019
Check the footage. All of it. These students were exhibiting awful behavior and bigotry.
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) January 21, 2019
Libel. Lies. Retract & correct, or get sued.
— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) January 21, 2019
The kids certainly aren’t “off the hook” for smiling through being bullied by adults — as their school has had over 100 serious threats to the point where Homeland Security had to get involved. We hope he is happy, he got his wish.
Listen for yourself:
Here is the phone call #CovingtonCatholic parents just received. He said HOMELAND SECURITY had to get involved. Over a smile!!!
— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) January 23, 2019