Home Politics Liberal Hypocrisy: Here Are The Democrats That Took Money From Billionaire Trump...

Liberal Hypocrisy: Here Are The Democrats That Took Money From Billionaire Trump Supporter Stephen Ross

Aggrieved liberals have demanded a boycott of Ross’s companies as part of an effort to raise the cost, in their view, of enabling “white supremacy.”

Ross, chairman and majority owner of The Related Companies, a real estate development firm, and owner of the Miami Dolphins, has come under intense pressure to cancel a fundraiser planned for Friday at his Sandcastle estate in the Hamptons, New York.

Tickets for the event, which start at $5,600, will go to Trump’s 2020 campaign funds and the Republican National Committee. A private conversation with Trump will cost $250,000.

Only dead brains can explain the overblown “backlash” over a Ross-hosted Trump fundraiser in the Hamptons. Despite over-the-top media coverage, it’s a few noisy guys on a street corner by today’s jungle-law standards.

From The Washington Free Beacon:

Ross, who has been friends with Trump for nearly three decades, has personally donated hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, to politicians over the years. While a majority of these donations have gone to Republicans, the billionaire has also contributed significantly to Democrats, including a number of top party figures, some of which have taken money from Ross in recent years. For example:

  • Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.)
    •  $15,700 (most recently in 2015)
  • Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.)
    • $4,000
  • Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.)
    • $2,500 (in 2016)
  • Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.)
    • $2,500 (in 2016)
  • Sen. Mark Warner (D., Va.)
    • $4,600
  • Sen. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.)
    • $2,700 (in 2018)
  • Rep. Jerry Nadler (D., N.Y.), chairman of House Judiciary Committee
    • $14,400 (most recently in 2016)
  • Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
    • $112,500
  • Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
    • $10,000
  • New Jersey Democratic State Committee
    • $20,000 (in 2018)

Maybe Ross — a developer with fortunes at stake every time his company lifts a shovel — would rather back a traditional, centrist Democrat who didn’t regard capitalism as a form of original sin. Too bad no such candidate exists in a field of far-left socialists and gaffe-prone bumblers with no chance to win.

Let the haters have their moment. I’ll bet that Equinox survives the purge.