In case you’ve missed last night Democratic Presidential debate we have a video for you where you will hear a lot of Spanish!
One of the candidates went one step further and made his closing statement in Spanish!
Julian Castro, the former secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, introduced himself as a presidential candidate in Spanish before switching back to English, saying, “The very fact that I can say that tonight shows how the progress that we have made in this country.”
But that wasn’t all not only did NBC and MSNBC have to abruptly cut to commercial after an embarrassing audio glitch during the first round of the Democratic Party presidential debates in Miami Wednesday night, it turns out TV screens across the nation went to black multiple times for several seconds at a time during the debate broadcast.
Proving he is indeed following the Democratic Party presidential debate round one in Miami as he flies over the Pacific on Air Force One to the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan, President Trump slammed co-hosts NBC and MSNBC for an embarrassing audio glitch as Chuck Todd was posing a question that forced a cut to commercial while it was resolved.
But the real surprise came this morning when NBC News proclaimed Donald Trump as the winner of the last night Democratic Presidential Debate!
The liberal media outlet reported:
President Donald Trump was the big winner of the first 2020 Democratic debate.
The Republican commander in chief, who was on his way to an economic summit in Osaka, Japan, emerged from the scrap largely unscathed — barely mentioned at all — even though he is a uniquely antagonizing and energizing force for Democratic voters.
At the same time, the 10 candidates who were in the room here at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts often competed against one another to appeal to narrow subsets of the primary season electorate. Their jockeying, punctuated by efforts to outflank each other to the political left and conduct a middebate Spanish-speaking contest, could alienate swing voters important to the party’s chances against Trump in November 2020.
For long stretches, it seemed, they completely forgot about the man who has been at the center of pretty much every discussion among Democrats for the last two-plus years — the man they’re competing to take on next year. The obvious reason: The motivation to beat each other was, on this night, more urgent than defeating Trump — a life-or-death moment for some of their campaigns.
Trump was the chief beneficiary of that dynamic.
That’s it folks it seems we have a winner and even the liberal media have to admit the Dems are a no go for 2020!