Omar Refuses To Answer Question About Al Qaeda At Press Conference But Calls For Trump’s Impeachment (Video)

Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, known as “the squad,” held a press conference Monday to discuss President Donald Trump’s tweets that told them to go back to their own countries.

Omar of Minnesota took a more aggressive stance against the president, calling him out for alleged human rights abuses at the border. He is allowing “millions of Americans to die from a lack of health care,” she said, referring to Trump’s agenda as that of “white nationalists.”

“Right now the president is committing human rights abuses at the border, keeping children in cages, and having human beings drinking out of toilets,” Omar said Monday. “This president, who has been credibly accused of committing multiple crimes, including colluding with a foreign government to interfere with our election.”

“This is a president who has overseen the most corrupt administration in our history and pursued an agenda to allow millions of Americans to die from a lack of health care while he transfers millions of dollars in tax cuts to corporations. This is a president who has said ‘grab women by the pussy,’” she added.

“So it is time for us to stop allowing this president to make a mockery out of our Constitution,” Omar said. “It’s time for us to impeach this president.”

The reporter asked Rep. Omar to respond to comments made by President Donald Trump previously on Monday about the terror group.

“I mean, I look at the one, I look at Omar, I don’t know her, I never met her. I hear the way she talks about al Qaeda.

“Al Qaeda has killed many Americans. She said you could hold your chest out. When I think of America, huh. When I think of al Qaeda, I can hold my chest out.

“When she talked about the World Trade Center being knocked down, some people, you remember the famous ‘some people.’ These are people that, in my opinion, hate our country,” he said.

“I will not dignify it with an answer because I know that every single Islamophobe, every single person who is hateful, who is driven by an ideology of ‘othering’ as this president is, rejoices in us responding to that and us defending ourselves,” she said.

Watch the video below:

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