Republican Senator: ‘The Squad’ Is ‘The Reason That There Are Directions On A Shampoo Bottle’ (Video)

Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, known as “the squad,” held a press conference Monday to discuss President Donald Trump’s tweets that told them to go back to their own countries.

The Dems rushed to attack President Trump but they weren’t the only one there were some Republicans that decided to condemn President Trump and the comment he made in the last few days for the so-called “the Squad”.

Luckily the majority of the GOP decided to stand behind President Trump!

Amongst them is Louisiana Senator John Kennedy.

He questioned the intelligence of several Democratic House freshmen, equating them to people who need instructions on how to use shampoo.

The Louisiana Republican appeared on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight.

I don’t think President Trump is a racist. I don’t think his original tweet was racist. I think it was a poor choice of words, which is why he clarified,” Kennedy said, pointing out that Trump has since said that anyone who hates America is free to leave.

“I’m not sure the president should exchange playground insults with them. When you try to argue with a fool, that proves there are two. But the president decided to do so,” Kennedy continued. “The simple fact of the matter is that the four congresswomen think that America was wicked in its origins.”

“They are entitled to their opinion. They are Americans. But I’m entitled to my opinion, and I just think they are left-wing cranks and they are the reason that there are directions on a shampoo bottle,” Kennedy said. “I think we should ignore them.”

Watch the interview below:

I am sure he will be called a racist after this interview but that’s the only thing the Dems are using as an excuse to attack the GOP!

Republican voters don’t seem to mind Trump’s tweets that he fired off this week. In fact, a new poll released Wednesday shows support for the president among the GOP actually rose just after his attacks on the four congresswomen of color often called “The Squad.”

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