Instead of taking care of its own citizens, California elected people who are making things easier for undocumented immigrants.
Now they even put undocumented immigrants to state posts!
Lizbeth Mateo, a 33-year-old attorney and immigrants rights activist, was appointed to serve by the Senate Rules Committee on Wednesday.
I can’t tell you the irony of the Senate appointing someone who is illegally in the country to a position that uses taxpayer money to then use taxpayer money again to educate people, including illegal aliens at taxpayer expense.
The Oaxaca native, who moved to the United States at age 14 without documentation, has just been appointed for a statewide committee that will help low-income students.
“While Donald Trump fixates on walls, California will continue to concentrate on opportunities,” de León said in a news release, according to the Sacramento Bee.
The appointment came just one day after President Donald Trump’s visit to San Diego, where he attacked the state’s immigration approach.
In 2010, Mateo also became one of the first undocumented young people to risk deportation by demanding the passage of the DREAM Act, legislation that would grant certain immigrants, including Dreamers, or people brought to the U.S. illegally as children, a path to citizenship. She also played a key role in helping a group of young people now known as the “Dream 9” return to the U.S. after being deported to Mexico.
California it’s time to wake up.