One of the greatest and most revered rights in this country. No matter what economic background, no matter your religion, gender, sex, race you have the absolute right to be stupid and we see more and more people exercising that right every day.
One these examples is clear at the mother of Child Drag Queen Desmond Naples.
She used her 11-year-old son to make more money and she complains about pedophile sexualizing about her child!
VIA the Daily Caller:
Tom O’Carroll, convicted in the UK in 2006 for distributing child pornography, and former chairman of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) referred to Desmond in a blog post written last month as a “pretty young boy” and “sexy kid.”
“We do not approve of his statements & have written to wordpressdotcom several times but they have yet to remove it. It is highly inappropriate to speak of minors in this manner, said Wendy Napoles in a statement on Instagram. “What Tom O’Carroll has said is out of our control & we do not know him or associate with him or any other pedophiles or sex offenders.”
She then went on to criticize conservative media saying, “The Conservative press is currently accusing us of purposely attracting pedophiles & accusing the LGBTQ community of supporting this.”
What did she think was going to happen. There are predators out there looking all the time for their next victim. I hope now she sees why people were outraged about her letting her son go on stage. Because of this reason.