Video: Immigrant Attack Elderly Gentlemen In His Car – The Elderly Gentlemen Shows That Guns Keep Society Safer

Road rages can often turn out to be quite dangerous especially for elderlies. Senior citizens are at a huge risk of getting their cars stolen by young thieves who can easily overpower the elderly or by younger people who can try and attack them.

However, not all senior citizens are easy targets because this incident that happened is proof that sometimes people pick the wrong person to mess with.

We have a received a footage showing an 82-year-old man fighting off a immigrant who tried to attack him in his car.

The elderly man was defending from the younger man who according to witnesses was an illegal immigrant because he wanted to avoid the police because of his immigrant status.

The video shows that guns keep our society safer!

Video below:

The older generation of Americans who grew up in a time when many people still lived on farms. Unlike this generation, which seems determined to denigrate the roles of men and fathers, many Americans had dads who taught their sons and daughters the proper use of shotguns and rifles, and how to shoot. We were all expected to learn how to shoot a firearm. After the Second World War and Korea and amidst the threat of Soviet totalitarianism, Americans were taught to defend their families, and their country. Liberty, self-armament, patriotism, and citizenship were inextricably bound.

The right to keep and bear arms has become even more crucial to those who are heading into sunset years. The elderly are especially vulnerable to violent crime and, as a result, the number of senior citizens carrying firearms is on the rise. Nearly 23,000 people over 65 took basic firearm training courses from NRA-certified instructors in 2015, four times the number five years earlier. Since 2010, seniors’ demand for firearms training climbed 400 percent.

These are realities of life that the vast majority of the young people clamoring for gun control do not appear to grasp.

In fact, given their many media appearances, it’s clear that student activists are largely unfamiliar with the mechanics of firearms. Most believe the “AR” in “AR-15” stands for “assault rifle.” (It actually stands for ArmaLite, the manufacturer who designed the gun in 1956.) Moreover, few know the simple difference between a round and a clip. These aren’t trivial matters. They have already vastly impacted public policy.
Guns keep society safer!

OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.
Reminder: The purpose of the articles that you will find on this website, are to EDUCATE, not to disinform or grow hate and anger!

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