Joe Biden and Jill Biden departed from their Greenville home Tuesday morning after a long weekend in Delaware.
The Bidens had been in Delaware since Friday afternoon.
Their schedule listed a 10:25 a.m. departure from their home near Greenville, arriving at the White House about an hour later on the Marine One helicopter.
When they arrived Biden who was without Jill at the moment looked frail as he wandered into the bushes.
A handler had to actually point to show Joe Biden where to walk as Sleepy Joe follows the Secret Service man around through the bushes instead of taking the sidewalk!
Video below:
Here’s “follow the sidewalk please” moment:
Joe Biden’s cognitive decline has neither slowed nor stopped.
While it’s tempting to enjoy the spectacle of Democrats coping with the fact that the man they installed in the White House is decomposing before our eyes and the woman who stands behind him is a dim bulb and manifestly incompetent, what’s happening is very frightening. With Biden a mere puppet, Marxists are controlling the federal government, burning up money, and inserting their toxic racist ideas into every facet of American life — especially the military.
Meanwhile, overseas, the Chinese, Russians, North Koreans, Cubans, and other nations hostile to liberty are chuckling with glee and making their plans.
OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion