Epstein Prison Guards Suspected of Falsifying Log Entries to Show They Were Checking on Him Every Half Hour

The federal prison officials broke protocol by failing to check on Epstein every 30 minutes the night before he was found unresponsive in his private cell. The New York Times reports that both of the guards assigned to supervise his cell had been working overtime — one of them working extra hours for five straight days.

Now a new report came out that the prison guards falsified log entries to make it look like they were checking on inmates in Epstein’s cell every 30 minutes.

From Associated Press:

A person familiar with the probe of Jeffrey Epstein’s death at a federal jail says guards are suspected of falsifying log entries to show they were checking on inmates in his unit every half hour, when they actually weren’t.

Surveillance video reviewed after the death showed guards never made some of the checks noted in the log, according to the person familiar with the investigation.

The person wasn’t authorized to disclose information and spoke to The Associated Press Tuesday on condition of anonymity.

At the MCC, two jail guards are required to make separate checks on all prisoners every 30 minutes, but that procedure was not followed overnight, according to the source. In addition, every 15 minutes guards are required to make another check on prisoners who are on suicide watch,” Reuters reports.

A new report indicates that one of the two people guarding Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t even a correctional officer, as the Washington Times reports:

A person familiar with operations at the federal jail where Jeffrey Epstein killed himself says one of the two people guarding him the night he died wasn’t a correctional officer.

The person wasn’t authorized to disclose information about the investigation and spoke on condition of anonymity.

One of the individuals assigned to watch Epstein’s unit did not normally work as a correctional officer but was able to do so, like others in roles such as counselors and teachers. Gregg, who did not say what the person’s regular job was, told the Washington Post she did not know whether workload played any role in the apparent suicide, but said she has long complained about staffing levels. The Post reported.

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