Videos: Minneapolis BLM Violently Looted The Stores Of “Woke” Companies After The Police Killed Armed Criminal Who Happened To Be Black – MSM Labels The Riots As Mostly Peaceful

Looting and rioting broke out in Minneapolis Thursday night after members of a U.S. Marshals task force attempted to arrest a man who was wanted on a warrant for gun possession. According to authorities, the suspect was in a parked car when he “failed to comply and produced a handgun resulting in task force members firing upon the subject.”

“Law enforcement say they arrived around 2 p.m. Thursday in an attempt to apprehend a suspect wanted in an arrest warrant for illegal firearm possession,” local station KARE reported of the criminal suspect’s fatal shooting.

“Authorities say the suspect was sitting with a female when the suspect drew a gun on officers, after failing to comply with their commands – at which point law enforcement says they fatally shot the person,” the station added.

While the suspect hasn’t been formally named, he’s reportedly been identified by his friends on social media as Winston Boogie Smith Jr.:

Smith’s shooting inspired immediate rage expressed in the form of rioting and looting.

Protests and rioting grew through the night with dumpsters being set on fire along with numerous incidents of officers deploying tear gas at crowds gathered in intersections.

Footage showed looting at CVS along with a T-Mobile store.

While social media showed one story overnight, mainstream media reports told of “peaceful” gatherings. The Associated Press said that “…overall the crowd remained peaceful.”

Watch (*Graphic content, language warning):

Most of these companies are on the list of the 269 companies who are supporting BLM & Antifa riots!

How come the mainstream media calls these riots mostly peaceful?

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