
Day 845 of Hillary’s Never Ending Blame Tour (Video)

On day 845 of Hillary Clinton’s never ending blame tour, she showed up at a church service commemorating the 54th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, the civil rights march…

It’s Official: Hillary Clinton Rules Out 2020 Bid for President (Video)

On Monday, Hillary Clinton claimed she was not running for President again when asked by New Jersey reporter Tara Rosenblum. Rosenblum asked, “I know you said that you…

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Brags About Legislation’s He Has Passed That Helps People! But Can’t Name One.

Socialists aren’t even socialists when it comes to living their own lives. Bernie Sanders, last we checked, had about a 15% tax rate, makes millions, and owns three…

Democratic Governor To Propose Increasing Gas Tax To $0.45 To Fix Roads

Democrats sure know how to waste our money. It doesn’t matter if they run for congress for Governors or President their campaigns are the same based only on lies and nothing more. Real Americans in Michigan have to…

Trump Campaign Adviser And Jewish Leader: Ilhan Omar Is a Filthy, Disgusting, Hater – Has No Place on Foreign Affairs Committee (VIDEO)

There are already a good number of Jews who are conservative. Recent events are going to see many more walk away from the Dem table. In the end this insane behavior by the Dems, and especially their Muslim…

Sign, Sign Everywhere a Sign

by Daveda Gruber: Residents and visitors to Hollywood California got a rather interesting view. A billboard was in clear sight on Friday morning. A group of Conservative street artists had put up their work of art. A billboard,…

Trump Puts a Damper on Cohen’s Book Manuscript

by Daveda Gruber: On Friday President Trump sought to discredit his onetime lawyer, Michael Cohen, by tweeting some of his thoughts on a book deal that Cohen was seeking. The book deal that has been reportedly proposed paints…

Senate’s #1 Chad Addresses CPAC Disciples with Liberal-Impaling Speech

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is the Senate’s most virile man. He went Full Super Saiyan during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, showing his true power levels, and there is no going back. The transformed Mr. Graham appeared at the…

Acosta Caught Up in Yet Another Lie

by Daveda Gruber: Were Jim Acosta’s feelings hurt? On Thursday President Trump didn’t call on the CNN reporter in a news conference after the abrupt end to the Hanoi summit between the U.S. and North Korea. After the…

Are Babies and Children the Enemy of Democrats?

by Daveda Gruber: Penny Nance, the leader of a women’s group, Concerned Women for America, came down hard on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D-N.Y. and other Democrats. The CEO was reported to have said, “What’s is old is new…

President Trump and Chairman Kim in Vietnam Ready for Summit

by Daveda Gruber: When we think of Vietnam, the obvious meets the memory to those of us old enough. We remember a war that left many dead. In fact, 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties are recorded of the…

Anti-Abortion Movie to Hit Screens with “R” Rating

by Daveda Gruber: What turns a former Planned Parenthood clinical director into a pro-life activist? A new controversial film is coming to theaters soon and will tell the story. Abby Johnson’s story is the subject of a new…

A Stunning Reversal: President Trump Is Gaining Ground Among Groups the Mainstream Media Tells Us He ‘Hates’

Even after President Trump’s character has been incessantly defamed by Democrats, Celebrities and Mainstream Media, his support among key groups has become stronger. In what Zogby Analytics called “a stunning reversal of sorts,” a new poll they published…

President Trump RIPS Crooked Hillary, Demands the Missing Strzok-Page Texts and the DNC Server

President Trump ripped Crooked Hillary and the DNC for colluding with Russia and asked for the DNC servers they refused to give to the FBI. He also demanded the deep state turn over the missing texts between Peter…

“Journalism,” 2019: The Daily Beast Targets Mar-a-Lago Pastry Chef for Believing “Qanon”

The fearless journalists at The Daily Beast on Friday decided to out a pastry chef — yes, a pastry chef — who works at a chocolate shop in Mar-a-Lago for allegedly believing in the QAnon conspiracy theory. The…

EX-CLINTON POLLSTER: Hillary Will Run If Field Is Too Far Left or Biden Doesn’t Run (Video)

According to former Clinton pollster Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton may very well run for President again in 2020 because the rest of the field is too far left. Penn told Fox News that there are a number of…

Ocasio-Cortez Tells All of Her Critics That She’s the Boss

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has had enough of her critics and she has a thing or two to tell them. While attending a “Girls Who Code” event on Friday, Ocasio-Cortez put a typical liberal spin on her critics who have…

Five House Democrats took $60,000 Trip to Beyoncé Concert in South Africa

by Daveda Gruber: Democrats like paid vacations. We saw this when, in January, a group of Congressional Democrats was criticized for flying to Puerto Rico for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC gathering in San Juan. The trip…

Sarah Sanders: Democrats Used Smollett Hoax to Attack President Trump (Video)

We are being told by the mainstream media that Jussie Smollett perpetrated his racist hoax to get attention—in hopes he would not be written off of the television show Empire. If so, why did he have to tie his…

Why Hillary Clinton Was Not Locked Up

by Daveda Gruber: Whatever happened to locking up Hillary Clinton? We were waiting  patiently to see justice served and that day has not come. The FBI never gave Conservatives reason to feel that the guilty, no matter how…