Home Opinion Video: Normal Scene from Libertarian National Convention – Here’s What Happens to...

Video: Normal Scene from Libertarian National Convention – Here’s What Happens to a Transgender Delegate Who Crosses the Line During Trump’s Speech

Chase Oliver won the Libertarian Party presidential nomination on Sunday after seven rounds of voting at the party’s convention in Washington, DC.

The 38-year-old, who has previously run for Congress multiple times in Georgia, focused his pitch on making Libertarian values palatable to a broader audience.

In an interview with CNN following his nomination, Oliver said he believes earning 2% of the vote nationally in November’s general election is a reasonable goal.

“I got 2.1% of the vote when I ran for the Senate in Georgia. I think that’s a definite doable thing, and certainly we can improve upon that with a hard-run campaign that wakes people up,” he said.

When asked how he plans to compete with President Joe Biden, presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump and Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to expand his share of the vote, Oliver said he plans to speak to “as many people as possible,” while projecting confidence he can disrupt the balance of power between Democrats and Republicans.

Basically this is what we’ve heard from most of the mainstream media!

The reality is totally different!

Libertarian nominee Chase Oliver:

99% of drag queen story hours are fine for kids. If he had children, he says he’d bring them to one and leave them there.

“It’s just like the Wiggles”


We already met the nominee but the delegates are much, much worse!

The Libertarian National Convention is literally an episode of The Jerry Springer Show.

This is the funniest shit I’ve seen all day weird tranny gets handled by security, loses wig while Trump is speaking!

Watch the funny video below:

OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion
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