
FLASHBACK: Farmer Sprays Poop on Emma Thompson for Trespassing on His Land! (Video)

Just a farmer taking care of his land. They had no right to be there. Farmers do this. The odor is really bad, but it’s great for the…

Hateful Rep. Ilhan Omar Says Trump Is Not Human

Democrats are posed to screech “racist” at anyone who disagrees with them. Criticism of anyone who is not a white heterosexual male is frequently spun and weaponized against…

“Insurance Policy” on Trump Revealed in Transcripts: Want to See?

by Daveda Gruber: On Tuesday House Judiciary Committee Republicans released hundreds of pages of transcripts from last year’s closed-door interview with ex-FBI attorney Lisa Page. The long and…

Tucker Carlson Fights Back: “I Will Never Bow to the Mob”

Tucker Carlson gave an amazing response, hitting back hard against the smear put forth by the Soros-Clinton smear operation Media Matters For America. Media Matters dug up some old audio clips of Carlson and cherry picked several comments…

New Yorker was KICKED OUT of a NY bar mid-meal because he was wearing a MAGA hat (Video)

Trump supporter claims he was thrown out of a New York bar for wearing a MAGA-hat while eating his meal. Former Marine Dion Cini, 50, was asked to leave Jake’s Dilemma on the Upper West Side last Wednesday…

Liberal Reporter Caught On Hot Mic at Arizona High School Pro-Trump Rally: ‘Maybe They’ll Call Me a N*gger’

The Fourier complex: Fourier complex is an extreme form of egalitarianism in which the believer is prepared to accept, or actually wishes for, widespread poverty, possibly even starvation, as the consequence or means of making the material well-being…

Sarah Sanders Took Down CNN’s Jim Acosta With Just Four Words…Again (VIDEO)

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders is the best ever in this position. She really knows how to control the reporters that’s associated with the fake news media. For instance, CNN. During her daily press briefing, Sanders ripped…

Watch: Jim Acosta Attempts to Downplay Border Crisis in Front of Angel Moms, Bad Idea

We have a huge problem on our southern border and finally, we have a President that will solve that issue! CNN butt-boy Jim Acosta tried making like there weren’t really any problems at all. In fact, illegals are…


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) on Monday issued document requests to 81 individuals and entities as part of a sweeping investigation into President Trump’s campaign, business and administration. The investigation will focus on three key areas,…

WATCH: Jim Acosta Says Democratic Party Not Anti-Semitic. Sarah Sanders Teaches Him A Lesson

Democrats have no shame. The mainstream media will do everything they can in an effort to undermine our President’s reputation among the American people. Especially CNN. CNN’s Jim Acosta continues proving just how unqualified he is for adulthood.…

Reagan’s biographer just fired off an angry tweet at Ocasio-Cortez and her response is disgusting

After being accused of historical ignorance by a noted right-wing activist and conservative biographer of Ronald Reagan Alexandria Ocasio Cortez decided to respond in a disgusting manner! Craig Shirley, chairman of the grassroots conservative group founded by the…

Shocking Video: Rampant Anti-Semitism in US Mosques

The video is produced by Zvi Yehzkeli, a commentator on issues of anti-Semitism in the Arab world. “This is based on reports from the organization, “MEMRI” [Middle East Media Research Institute], which over the course of a year-and-half…

Permanent Daylight Saving Time Alright with Trump

by Daveda Gruber: Many of us lost an hour of sleep this past weekend and that includes President Trump. Apparently, our president is tired of switching clocks as much as we are. Daylight Saving Time began on Sunday…

NYPD Refuses To Do Their Job So ICE Steps In: Arrests Over 200 Illegals Convicted Of Crimes Including Child Rape and Murder

Sanctuary Cities needs to be put out of commission. They are outside the rule of Law and those officials making them possible should be rounded up and arrested. Shut down sanctuary cities and charge government, state and local…

Angel Dad Calls Out Dems Over Border Wall: ‘Would Have Been Three Months Ago’ If Pelosi or Schumer’s Child Were Killed (Video)

Angel dad Dan Ferguson told “Fox & Friends” hosts Monday morning that if Congressional Democrats had suffered the way his family had, funding for a border wall would have been approved months ago. Ferguson’s daughter Amanda was killed…

Oddball ‘Pro-Life’ Senator Rips Trump’s Planned Parenthood Move

Butch Wisner Planned parenthood should receive ZERO federal, state or local funds PERIOD! Private donations only. Trump’s Title X rule, which could cut tens of millions of dollars from Planned Parenthood, just dropped. Among other things, it bans…

‘Build the Wall’ Campaign Sends A Huge Surprise To Nancy Pelosi’s Offices

Had previous Administrations been doing their job President Trump would not be in need of billions of dollars to build a wall that should be in this day and age a wall already there needing maintenance money. So…

POLL: Melania Is Finally Getting The Recognition She Deserves…

It’s encouraging that the message about how awesome Melania is has gotten out. Hopefully, she’ll rise much more in future polls, to where she belongs. The Economist and YouGov have conducted a poll on the first family, and…

SHOWDOWN: Matteo Salvini and Donald Trump May Go HEAD-TO-HEAD on China Policy

While it may seem like Italy and the United States are on the same page as the populist right-wing leadership of both countries turns away from globalism, that does not mean there cannot be disagreements between the nations.…

Two U.S. States Pass Bill to Ban Abortion After Heartbeat Detected

A fetal heartbeat bill is a form of proposed abortion legislation in the United States of America which makes abortions illegal as soon as the fetus’ heartbeat can be detected, based on the conclusion that a human heartbeat…