
Trump Supporter Wearing MAGA Hat Sexually Assaulted on Camera by Privileged Liberal, Police Watch and Do Nothing (VIDEO)
Is there such a thing as Toxic Feminism? A privileged Liberal woman acted on her deepest desires in Washington D.C. this week and sexually assaulted Owen by grabbing…

President Trump Says He “Found Obama’s Magic Wand” After Best Job Growth In 21 Years!
President Trump has delivered on his promise to make American manufacturing great again. On the 2016 presidential campaign trail Trump said he would be “the greatest jobs President…

Failed Comedian Kathy Griffin Displays New Level Of Hate, Calls For Public Shaming And Doxxing Of Maga Kid Victims
Failed comedian and radical left activist Kathy Griffin now wants the Maga Kids to be doxxed and publicly shamed in a a new tweet. Even though the kids…

Watch What the Liberal Mainstream Media Won’t Show You: “You White People Go Back to Europe!” (Video)
Fake News CNN’s coverage of this story is absolutely despicable and out right purposefully divisive. They claim that a group of MAGA hat wearing teens “surrounded” a native American. However if you watch the full unedited version of…

Trump Offers a Major Plan to Open Government
by: Daveda Gruber: On Saturday President Trump, in a televised White House address, spoke to the American people. Trump offered the Democrats a compromise package on immigration. The effort to end the partial government shutdown was not met…

Conspiracy Theory or Reality?
by Daveda Gruber: It is understood that some Americans are waiting for indictments to start soon. No, not the ones that the new House members-elect are planning for President Trump. All things get exposed in the end. Good…

There Must be a Dark Side of the Moon
by Daveda Gruber: On Friday the Democratic Socialist’s beloved Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said fellow progressives’ and her election victory was like the 1969 moon landing. She has presumably visited the dark side of the moon, considering that her win…