Mack Cogburn

QAnon Thinks Jen Psaki Is Connected To “Evergreen” The Ship Stuck In The Suez Canal (Images)
A shipping vessel that could clog the Suez Canal for weeks is the latest piece added to an ever-evolving conspiracy theory about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton…

Joe Biden Just Blamed President Trump For The Surge In Illegal Immigration (Video)
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador blamed President Biden for the migrant surge that has erupted into a full-blown border crisis, arguing the “expectations” he set left migrants…

Photos: 15-year-old Barron Trump Towers Over His 6’3″ Dad – Internet Jokes ‘Kid Is 7’8” And About To Be Drafted By The Jazz
Barron Trump turns 15 today. Son of President Donald Trump and Melania Trump, the teenager has spent the past few years growing up in front of the nation’s…

Announcer Forgets To Cut Mic – Calls High School Basketball Girls F****** N*ggers For Kneeling During The Anthem (Video)
Trigger warning: the contents of this article contain graphic details and audio of a racial slur which our site does not support. The announcer, who is contracted with the National Federation of High School (NFHS) Network, grew furious…

Democrat Congressman Concedes There’s “Waste” In The Democrats Wish List: “No Question There’s Some Waste” (Video)
Funding for “climate justice.” A bailout for mismanaged union pension plans. A new subway system for Silicon Valley. These are just a few of the ways Democrats plan to spend your tax dollars in their $1.9 trillion “COVID…

ID For Absentee Ballots Are Now Required In Georgia – Angry Leftists React By “Storming” The State Capitol (Video)
The Georgia Senate approved a bill Tuesday requiring more identification for absentee voting, the first elections measure to clear either legislative chamber as lawmakers consider new voting rules after last year’s heated presidential race. Voters would have to…

Brace Yourself America – High School Forces Kids In Band To Play In Green Igloo Bubbles (Photos)
Children and young people are far less likely than adults to get severe cases of COVID-19 infection, and death from the pandemic disease among children is exceptionally rare, according to UK research published last summer. A study of…

Texas Warning: Videos From Concerned Citizens Show Parasites In The Water As Many Texans Ignore The Warnings
After enduring multiple days of freezing temperatures and Texans dripping faucets to prevent frozen pipes from bursting, cities across the state warned residents that water levels are dangerously low and may be unsafe to drink. They’re telling Texans…

Texas Gov Abbott Declared A State Of Disaster On Feb 12 – Did Biden’s DOE Ordered Restrictions That Sent Texans Freezing In The Dark?
OPINION Governor Greg Abbott has issued a disaster declaration for all 254 counties in Texas on Feb 12 as a winter storm struck the state. With the declaration, Abbott deployed state resources to help local officials responding to…

Breaking: Rioters Throw What Appears to Be a Bomb at Federal Courthouse in Portland
A Twitter user reported that Antifa, which has been classified as domestic terrorists by President Trump, threw what appears to be an improvised explosive device (IED) at the federal courthouse in Portland on Monday evening. Over the weekend…